Little Diana grinding corn

Mucho maiz!

Cueva Taistado

My friend David in the Cave Taistado

A parrot at Villa de Ada (a touristy place in Gracias)

Lago de Yojoa, the only lake in Honduras (this is actually a picture from the end of January)

The national (and endangered) animal of Honduras, the white-tailed deer

Ellen and me

It was Ellen´s birthday on the 15th! We went to Villa de Ada, swimming in the river, and then had a bonfire and showed the kids what s´mores are.

Tilapia with tajaditas at Villa de Ada

We went swimming in the river
Finally, the irrigation project is over in Nueva Esperanza! These are photos of the inauguration. An eleven year project, two years of laying tubes from 12 km away on the mountain all the way to the community. Men would leave at 3 am to walk to the mountain and begin laying tubes.

Me with the Mendez family at the inauguration of the irrigation project

Selling alfareria at the inaurugation

Kids performing traditional dance for the inauguration

The performers

Me with the beautiful dancers

Making carne ensalsado for like 300 people
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