Becky and Ellen making dinner in my house
Left to right: Kristyn, Michael, Ellen and Rachel
Rachel and Kristyn in my hammock
So every Sunday there are football games all over the mountain. Even though the communities here are really small, each aldea seems to have their own football team. Right now we are in a tournament to see who is the best team in the municipality of La Campa. The winners get new jerseys!
La Campa football stadium
My neighbor, Maximo (Mataras, the white team) and Ellen´s boyfriend (La Campa 2 team) fighting for the ball
Football ´´campeonato´´ game in the stadium in La Campa
In case and disputes break out during the game (not really, they´re there making sure no one is illegally cutting down trees on the mountain, but they did have to intervene when a fight did start)
I don´t get bored here too often which is surprising, but whenever I don´t have anything to do, I can always go and visit my neighbors.
Me making tortillas with my neighbor, Magdalena
Black corn is in harvest!
Magadalena´s son, Carlos, showing off the corn

My neighbors Juana and Lencho with their children
Milton, Angela´s son, eating a plato tipico on the bus back up the mountain
Random photos
Me and a baby horse

The graduated 6th grade class, graduation was in November
Agapito coming back from working his harvest and Anael

A pretty flower
And finally, here are some photos of friends I have in the community that I would like to share with you all. I hope these photos help you get an idea of what its like here and who I randomly encounter on almost a daily basis. One difference here than in the states is that most of my friends here that I hang out with are men. This is because there are not many women in the community that are my age and because they are too busy attending to their house. I only know of one woman who is my age (she is married with four children!) and one other woman who is a year older (who recently got married). No one else comes close.

Gerson and me

My friend (and guitar teacher) Agapito and me
Roman at the Independence Day Celebration, his name was john when he was in my English class
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